On June 6th 2006, I opened an account on MySpace and created my first profile "Virginie"
Four months later, still on MySpace, I created "The Mafu Cage"
(The first incarnation of The Mafu Cage was mainly oriented toward Dark Art)
Finally, in April 2009, I created a third profile "MAFOU", dedicated to African Descent Art
In October 2010, Rupert Murdoch (owner of News Corporation, The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, American Idol, etc) relaunched MySpace
The result?
Users' ability to create a page the way they wanted totally disappeared
There is no more space for creativity
Everything is uniformed, sanitized, lifeless, soulless
The new version of MySpace is like, looks like, a FROZEN PREPACKAGED JUNK FOOD
MySpace, like so many other corporations, wants you to be a ship blindly following the other ship
I say, No Thanks!
MySpace is dead!
Viva Blogger!
The following is what I was able to recover before the relaunch obliterated hundred of hours of dedicated work on my 3 MySpace profiles and blogs
This is how The Mafu Cage looked like until mid-November 2010
If you go on MySpace now it does not look like that at all. It looks like shit!
This is how The Mafu Cage looked like until mid-November 2010
If you go on MySpace now it does not look like that at all. It looks like shit!

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